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Kindness Club

We are thrilled to introduce you to a fantastic opportunity that goes beyond the classroom and textbooks - the Kindness Club! We believe in the power of kindness to create a positive and supportive environment within our school community, and we invite you to be a part of this wonderful initiative.
About the Kindness Club:
The Kindness Club is a group of students dedicated to spreading kindness and making a positive impact on our school and beyond. We believe that small acts of kindness can create a ripple effect, leading to a more compassionate and inclusive community. As a member of the Kindness Club, you will have the chance to be involved in various activities that promote empathy, understanding, and positivity.
Activities We'll Participate In:
Random Acts of Kindness Campaigns:
Engage in surprise acts of kindness around the school, such as leaving uplifting notes, creating kindness graffiti, or organizing small treats for fellow students.
Community Service Projects:
Volunteer together for local community service projects, helping to make a positive impact on those in need.
Kindness Challenges:
Take part in fun and creative challenges that encourage positive interactions and promote a culture of kindness.
Guest Speakers and Workshops:
Invite speakers and organize workshops that focus on topics like empathy, communication, and understanding diversity.
Monthly Kindness Themes:
Each month, we'll explore different kindness themes, such as gratitude, inclusion, and teamwork, through activities, discussions, and events.
Why Being a Kindness Club Member Is Important:
Create a Positive School Culture:
By spreading kindness, we contribute to a positive and supportive school culture where everyone feels valued and included.
Develop Leadership Skills:
Members will have opportunities to take on leadership roles, fostering skills like communication, collaboration, and organization.
Make Lifelong Friends:
Joining the Kindness Club is a chance to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for making the world a better place through kindness.
Personal Growth and Well-being:
Engaging in acts of kindness is not only beneficial for others but also for your own well-being. It can boost happiness, reduce stress, and create a sense of fulfillment.
Be Part of Something Meaningful:
Being a member of the Kindness Club allows you to contribute to a meaningful cause that goes beyond academic achievements, leaving a positive impact on our school and community.
We hope you consider joining the Kindness Club and being a force for good in our school. Our first meeting will be on Wednesday,  March 13 from 8:50-9:15 am in the Counseling Office. The following meetings will be held on March 27, April 10, April 24,  May 8 and May 22 from 8:50-9:15 am in the Counseling Office. We look forward to meeting you and working together to create a culture of kindness at Diablo Vista Middle School. 
To join the club or get more information, email Mrs. Cruz at AND share this email with your parents to get their permission.
Kind regards,
Mrs. Cruz and Mrs. Todd
DVMS Counselors